




Can antibiotics cure nonbacterial prostatitis?

The causes of nonbacterial prostatitis still is unknown. As for the causes, commonly, people hold the view that it may caused by those factors which brings frequent congestion. For example, men who are married and familiar with sex are easy to affect nonbacterial prostatitis, because they cannot have sex as usual. What’s more, men who love to drink alcohol and eat spicy foods such as pepper and onion also are easy to affect nonbacterial prostatitis, because those things can stimulate prostate organ and make it congestion.

The symptoms of nonbacterial prostatitis are similar with bacterial prostatitis. Except pain on scrotum, groin area, prostate and lower abdominal area, nonbacterial prostatitis patients also can experience frequent urination, urgent urination, sharp pain on urinary tract. Moreover, some patients even can have sexual dysfunction and neurasthenia. If taking digital rectal examination, the land can be felt swelling. After massage, a large number of prostate fluid can be flushed, which is watery.
Nonbacterial prostatitis is hard to cure. Commonly this disease should be cured by combination ways. First, patients have to believe that prostatitis will be get rid at the end. Second, patients have to build a healthy living style. Generally speaking, proper sexual intercourse is necessary. It is better take one time every per week. Patients also have to take exercise, avoid smoking, and excessive drinking.
It is no use to use antibiotic cure nonbacterial prostatitis. But if this type of prostatitis is caused by chlamydia infection or mycoplasma infection, please try tetracycline, erythrocin or Ofloxacin. And the curative effect is excellent.
Massage is an important treating way for nonbacterial prostatitis. Massage can release inflammation, eliminate symptoms and promote blood circulations of prostate gland. If you take the view that this treatment is complicated and hard to do, you should try herbal medicine. Herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill also can promote blood circulation, clear away heat and toxic materials, release pain, eliminate inflammation. What’s more, the usage of this pill is simple. Generally speaking, three months treatment with this pill is enough.
source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20131012/507.html


How does a man get prostatitis and how is prostatitis cured?

Core Tip: Prostate is an area that brings about multiple diseases. If you do not take care of it well, inflammation is a common result and prostate diseases come along. Prostatitis is a disease that affect a lot in men's health. So if anything abnormal occurs in prostate, patients had better go to the hospital and find out the exact reason that causes it. In addition, many prostate patients even do not know how do they suffer from this disease. Here are some details about this question.

1. Prostatoplasia. Prostatoplasia is a factor that causes prostate congest repeatedly, which leads to infection. In this situation, if urethral dilatation procedure is not finished scrutinizingly, bacteria can be brought in prostate. Consequently, prostate occurs.
2. Both overmuch massage or the strength is too strong can lead to prostate congestion and edema, which induces prostatitis.
3. Urethritis is also one of the factors that give rise to prostatitis. Pathogens that causes urethritis are able to enter prostate through urethra and ducts of prostate gland. As a result, those pathogens can infect prostate as well and finally causes prostatitis.
4. Bad habits and customs. Frequent drinking, riding and masturbation are all causes of prostate congestion.
5. Be chary of catching cold. Catching a cold irritates sympathetic nerve in prostate. Then pressure in urethra increases, the shrink obstructs excretion, prostate is congested.
6. Holding back urine. Men who usually hold back urine can get a higher risk of prostatitis. That is because once the bladder is full, men will have a desire to urinate. If they hold back urine, urine can flow backwards to prostate, and if it joins in prostate gland, some crystalline solids in urine can deposit onto prostate tissues and forms concretion with corpora amylacea, epithelial cells, purine, cholesterol, citric acid.
Prostatitis plays a decisive role in men's health. Men who have suffered from prostatitis should go to the hospital as soon as possible and receive niche targeting treatment under the conduct of the doctor. When selecting the treatment, patients can take traditional Chinese medicine as a consideration.
Attentive point:Traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill does not rely on some medicine in treating chronic prostatitis. But use special materials in traditional Chinese medicine, such as safflower, radix paeoniae rubra, peach kernel, to regulate qi and blood and improve chronic prostate congestion. Besides, other prescriptions that can clear away heat and toxic material and induce diuresis for treating strangurtia, such as houttuynia, plantago, are able to eliminate damp pathogens and relieve symptoms of frequent urine, urgency of micturition, and odynuria. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the very medicine which can promote the absorption of inflammatory substances, eliminate fibrosis and adjust the overall prostate function, and eventually cure prostatitis.
source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20120413/get-prostatitis.html

Acute epididymitis also can be caused by long time sitting

Due to the work category, Mr. Wang who is 45 has to take long drive. Many days ago, he takes three days drive. When he comes back, he finds that his scrotum is painful. He also has the symptoms of chills, fever. So he was send to hospital that he has acute epididymitis.

Why Mr. Wang has acute epididymitis? As is known that acute epididymitis is one of the most common male genital diseases. And long time sitting is the remote cause. Men’s scrotum stays in a pressure state when sitting. Moreover, the long time sitting slow down the blood circulation and make epididymis congestion, causing acute epididymitis.

The early symptoms of acute epididymitis are scrotum pain, dulling pain which has affection on movement. They also can experience fever. So patients can use ice bag to low down the temperature.

In order to avoid it develops into chronic type, so timely treatment is necessary. But because the relapse rate is high when treated with antibiotic, so several times later, the rate of developing into chronic type is increasing too. Since antibiotic is bad, what patients can take? If you are interested in herbal medicine, you may want to try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill has no side-effect, no drug resistance, it also can promote blood circulation, clear away heat and toxic materials, dissipate hard lumps, dissolve stasis and release pain, so both types of epididymitis can be cured within three months totally.

 article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Epididymitis/2013/0803/100.html

Postoperative recovery is also very important for epididymal cyst

In clinic, epididymal cyst commonly occurs in caput epididymidis, so it is also known as cyst of caput epididymidis. And when suffering from this disease, men are likely to get infertility because epididymis is an important male reproductive organ. Currently, many patients are prone to choose surgery treatment for this. Experts explain, surgery can indeed remove the cyst directly, but postoperative recovery is also very important.  
In general, epididymal cyst is able to be removed through the surgery, and the result is obvious. However, in fact, if the patient has psychological barriers to the surgery, they are risk of being infected. Besides, if the patient isn’t able to choose a reliable hospital and a seasoned doctor, the chance of being infected is increased. What is worse, if the size of the cyst is too small, the surgery will not make it removed and it will grow bigger to threaten men’s health.
For these reasons, postoperative recovery is important even if the surgery treatment is taken. 
In this case, patients can take drug therapies to prevent the postoperative infection. In Western medicine, antibiotics can kill some bacteria but it cannot make the left cyst dissolve, so it isn’t a good choice for patient, while the TCM has been accepted by more and more patients for the postoperative recovery, especially the national patented herbal pill - diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill
The herbal medicine can not only kill the bacteria but also dissolve the left cyst by the surgery. It works effectively on the postoperative infection. Besides, if the cyst is too small, and there is no need to remove it, the herbal medicine can indeed cure it. The effect is recognized by many patients. 
In a word, epididymal cyst isn’t as terrible as imagined. In fact, it is curable if the patient chooses the right treatment. Commonly, if the cyst is smaller than 5cm, the patient can choose the herbal medicine.; if the cyst is larger than 5cm, the patient can choose the surgery treatment first, and then take the herbal medicine to get a radically cure. 
Besides, to prevent the postoperative infection, the patient should eat some light food, avoid sex, and pay attention to the hygiene.
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Epididymitis/2014/0904/233.html


トミーヒルフィガー年3月1951年の間に生まれたとして知られているファッシhttp://www.itariaautorettjp.comョ ンデザイナーは、彼はアメリカ合衆国のエルマイラの領域内にカトリックであった​​アイルランドの家庭に生まれました。トミーヒルフィガーは、8人の兄弟 と彼は二番目に古いだったそのうちの姉妹を持っていた。彼も幼い子供のようなファッションに広大な関心を持っていた。トミーは、年齢の18歳だったとき、 彼は人民プレイスと呼ばれていた小売店の中の彼のファッションのキャリアを始めた。人民場所小売店はエルマイラ、ニューヨークのトミーの故郷内に位置し、 この店は同じ会社が所有していた10のチェーンの一部であった。同社は、悲しいことに倒産行くことになった。

ストアが行ったときに破産トミーは仕事外でしたし、彼はニューヨーク市に移動することを決定した。ニューヨーク市でトミーヒルフィガーが彼自身のファッションレーベルを立ち上げることを決めていることをしながらだった。このファッシゼニア アウトレットョ ンブランドは急速にメディアにそれを作った、それは非常に人気があった。トミーヒルフィガーのラベルは非常に迅速に離陸し、これを楽しんで、デザインを身 に着けていたヒップホップグループとラッパーの数によって支援された。それはあまりにも大きかったサイズでデザインを身に着けているの傾向を開始し、これ らのグループやラッパーだった。

トミーはもう少し大胆だったデザインの大きな服を作ることにした大きすぎましたサイズの服を着ての傾向を示 します。この間、トミーもヒップホップ·セクター内のトレンドを設定し、彼は彼の好きなラッパーのいくつかに彼のデザインを送った。長年にわたりトミーヒ ルフィガーは、コレクションの少数を示すために香料、ネクタイやデニムを含むさまざまな製品の範囲を開発しました。